Realizations and Growing older

I don’t think we will get to a point where we are done. Every stage in life we look to the next milestone as the one where everything will be better and easier, but that day has not happened yet. At every stage, things have gotten harder, or stayed the same.

When we are young, we look to getting older because then we will be allowed to do what we want to do. As we get older we think that graduation from high school or college will actually be what it takes to reach rest and easier times. Then we have our job and relationships. This does not make life easier, it means that there are other people in the world that have a requirement on your own life.

Won’t it be great to have kids? Sure, but that does not make things easier. What about when they move out? Ok, but that happens about the time you are really getting to like them as fellow humans, and not just the cute kids you brought into the world.

Once the kids are gone, then it is time to start taking care of aging parents. There is not a time when we get a break. Maybe retirement? Not from what I hear or have seen. So many people I know get to retirement and they are busier now than before. There are clubs and committees to be committed to. These things are not bad, but they are time consuming.

I think the thing we have to remember is that this life is not for us to rest in, it is for us to use and use well. We have to work on relationships with those around us, and point the future generations in the way to go. Someone pointed you the way you are going. Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old, he will not depart from it. The older generation should help to guide the younger generation too, more than just adult and child, but mature adult to young adult.

As for me, I want to keep busy and work on these relationships until I can’t any longer. I want to get to my grave used up not in pristine and rested condition. Keep up the good work the Lord has given to you to do. We have only one time to spend this day, use it wisely.