Begin Here

Well, I have been thinking that a prayer journal is a good thing. I will never forget a leader from AWANA when I was younger. He was about 5 years older than I was. He was in high school and had a car. He came to my house once, and I noticed his license plate. Who wouldn’t? it was PRAY4 and I had to ask him what it meant? He said it was just a reminder to pray. I still didn’t get it. He then told me it was a reminder to pray for whatever you wanted or needed to pray about. Pray for anything.

So, that is how my prayers started. I could pray for anything, and I decided that I would. I was not good at praying, and I know that my prayers were childish. People had said that a journal was a good idea, but I decided against it because I didn’t think I was good enough to write this down. I think now, not that I am better, but that I will forget, that I should start a prayer journal and keep track of the things that I have prayed for, and also for the things that I have to pray for so that I don’t forget to pray for those things.